Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Review Review Review

Today, we tied up some loose ends before the test. Mostly having to do with graphing sinusoids and stuff. Then we went over some practice questions on an old exam, similar to what we'll see on the test on thursday. We also were told we won't be allowed to use our unit circle diagram, or our chart during the test on Thursday. Not going to lie, that kind of freaks me out. I'm not very confident with my skills from memory about this stuff yet. Tomorrow is early dismissal, so we don't have math, so I'm going to be doing some serious studying. Today is math tutoring day as well, and I will definately be hitting that up. I'm so scared for Thursday. I don't want to bomb my first test.


Yesterday, Mr. Penner was our sub because Mr. Max was away. It was just a work block to get caught up on Accelerated math (Which I still pretty much have no idea how to do), our student exercises (which I'm actually almost all caught up on) and review for our test (probably should get on that).

Friday, September 25, 2009

Exercise 6

So, today we learned how to graph things called sinusoids. I've never been very good at graphing, but I actually kind of understood how to go about this. For sine anyways. We learned a bit more detail into what we've been trying to understand since grade 10, and 11. So better late then never I guess. I seriously need to hit up tutoring. I also need to be better at doing my homework. Time to improve!

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Solving Using Reals

Well today we did a mental math. Holy crap. I got 2 out of 5, which was actually pretty good compared to how the whole class did. We aren't allowed to scribble. My whole life I have scribbled for mental math. It's so hard without being able to scribble! We also learned how to solve trig equations using an infinite domain. Surprisingly, I understood the concept. I don't know if I understand enough to actually do my homework, but, I'll try. This class goes by way too fast for my brain.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Practice Makes Perfect

Today we kept doing example questions of solving Trig equations with the unit circle. Some questions seem to make sense, but other questions I have no idea what I'm doing. It's hard when we're doing practice questions too because I'm not as confident or familiar with the unit circle yet, so when he asks us how to find a certain thing it takes me longer to think of it, then someone shouts it out instantly and we move on. It's just going a little quick for me. I'm definately gonna hit up math tutoring soon.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Work Block!

Today, we got use the block to work on our charts, exercise 4, and a new assignment involving "showing and telling". We are to pick a question from an old provincial exam, and show on our blogs how to go about answering it for our classmates to see. I picked my question, but I decided to put off answering it because I was behind in my exercises homework. I finished exercise 4, #1-8 and finished fixing my chart. The unit circle is still a bit confusing, but having the chart is helping a lot. Also, doing questions that makes us check back to the chart for converting degrees to rads is helping me remember without having to check.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Solving Trig Equations

On Friday I was away, so it was a huge relief to find out that todays class was going to be pretty much a repeat of Fridays class. We did alot of example questions showing how to solve equations using our charts and the 6 trig functions. He also taught us how to go about our accelerated math. I understood how to solve the equations, but when I use my chart to find the answers, some of them would be wrong. Thats when I realized half my chart is backwards. So that explained why I was so confused why I couldn't get the right answer.

Thursday, September 17, 2009


Today we learned a bit more about how recipricals work. I had originally understood what we did yesterday, but the chart we were supposed to make kind of blew my mind. I understand how the concept work, along with the 30-60-90 and 45 triangles, it just takes a lot of effort to understand it. I'm realizing I definately need to start memorizing some stuff.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Unit Circles & 6 Trig Functions

Today we continued learning about learning circles. We had to draw our own unit circle. Drawing my own diagram helped me understand the relationship between the degree points, to the radian points.

Then we started learning about the 6 Trig Functions. Which are:

sin = y/1 csc = 1/y
cos = x/1 sec = 1/x
tan = y/x cot = x/y

It is kind of a confusing concept to grasp, but after doing an example question together, I feel like a kind of understand how the reciprical functions work.


On Monday we reviewed that:

- Supplementary = angles that equal 180 degrees
- Complementary = angles that equal 90 degrees

Then we began learning about the unit circle. Truthfully, I didn't really understand anything he was talking about at the time. It's starting to make more sense now though.

Work Block

Yesterday we had a sub. We were supposed to work on Exercises 1 & 2. The stuff we're learning is kind of hard to understand, so we were supposed to help each other. I had to ask some classmates for help, and once I got a print out of the unit circle, it started to actually make some sense. I only got half way through the assignment though before I had to stop.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Measuring Angles Using Radians

  • In 180 degrees, there is 1 pi radians
  • In 360 degrees there are 2 pi radians
  • One radian is roughly 57.3 degrees, or just about 1/3 of a pi.


  1. Ask questions when I don't understand something.
  2. Not feel too shy about going to tutoring when I don't know what I'm doing
  3. Try to keep up with my daily assignments and accelerated math.
  4. Give help to people if I'm asked, and if I know how to do it.
  5. Pass this course this semester.