Thursday, November 19, 2009

Homework Ban?

So, in class we were asked to read this article on cbc pertaining to a family who signed an agreement with their childs Catholic school. The agreement was that their children would no longer receive homework, as they were apparently receiving too much of it and it wasn't benefiting them. If I was their age, I would be pumped. But realistically, I believe homework is essential, as long as it's not assigned specifically for home. If it is work you could not finish in class, thats your own fault.

When it comes to specifically math, I think we have too much homework. I myself feel completely bogged down with accelerated math, cumulative exercises and feeling like I'm always studying for a test. I don't think there is enough hours in the day to balance math homework (which we have daily), with the not so consistant homework of other classes, as well as any extra curricular activities which I participate in, or a part-time job, which I also have. I myself am up until midnight often, just trying to get my homework done. So yes, we do have too much homework, but how could we fix it?

I don't think a "no homework clause" is the answer. I believe homework is an important part of school, especially in math because for me, I need to practice doing the work for me to actually get it. I believe math is not like other classes though. One can't really study for math as they study for English or Biology. I think that the way you study for Math, is to do your homework. I truthfully don't have an answer to what could fix our overload of homework. I don't think there is a fair answer, because some kids need more homework then others, but it's probably impossible to decide who gets what. Maybe assign a few questions of what you cover in class that HAS to be completely by every member in the class, and make the extra questions optional, like if you feel you don't get it, you could work on it, but if you do get it, you don't have to? I don't know how well that would work, but if the kids choose not to do the extra stuff, and don't do well then it's their own fault. Homework is a controversial topic, and I highly doubt it will ever find a solution that will make everyone happy.

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