Tuesday, November 17, 2009

So it's been a while...

I have been severly lacking in the consistant blog posting over the past little while. So, heres whats been going on.

We had a test cancelled last week, and the bi-weekly cycle is restarting next wednesday. We just finished learning about Logarithms, Natural Logarithms and all that jazz. I missed one day of examples.. so I'm kind of confused how the natural logarithm thinger works. I'll start doing some exercises sometime..maybe..which will hopefully let me understand.

Today, we started probability. Not going to lie, I'm kind of nervous about this unit. Basically due to the fact that we haven't done any math since Grade 9, where Jill and I TLE cheated our way though the whole unit. We got 100%, but we didn't learn a thing. Oh snap.

Lastly, I'm basically all caught up on exercises. And I'm trying my hardest to get caught up in accelerated math. It's super hard though, there is not enough time in the day for everything going on in my life. I wish I didn't need sleep. If only I was a vampire, not only would I not have to sleep, I would have eternity to learn this stuff. Wayy more convenient. But sadly, I'm not, so I got to buckle down. My mom made me a deal though, if I get my mark up to 75% before the exam, she'll pay for me to get my nose pierced at the end of the semester, as opposed to waiting til April when I turn 18 and paying it for myself.

It's on mom.

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